
Beltane blessings

Beltane is here on May 1st and marks the height of spring and the early signs summer. It brings with it longer days but more importantly an energy of abundance and rebirth. It is a time of celebration and where the energy it fertile towards our desires. It can feel like a magical time where miracles truly are possible. Most of all, its a time to channel energy into your your rebirth and creative process. What do I wish to create and birth during these coming months?

Throughout history, we often see this sacred day celebrated with bonfires and maypoles on May Day. Ultimately, take this time to pause, celebrate and find joy. This energy continues into the days beyond Beltane and through the weekend.

Our Soul Shala Beltane Ritual

Within our Beltane ritual we are creating a Beltane altar space to call the energy of Beltane into our homes. This alter will create a portal for your manifestations and a space full of abundant rebirth energy. Then we will open a portal for rebirth through your altar space. You can find our Beltane Ritual in the Ritual section in the Studio

Your Ritual List

  1. Fresh flowers chosen with your intention

  2. Candle

  3. Your favourite herbal tea

  4. Paper and pen (journal but also small note size paper)

  5. Your favourite sacred objects (think crystals, cards, shells, stones etc… )

I can’t wait to take part in sacred ritual with you

So much love, light & healing



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