Goddess Strength

The Goddess Series: Strength

There’s a strength in softness…

The Strength card in the Tarot has always held a special place in my heart. It’s such a beautiful reminder of what true strength really is—this gentle, soft power that comes from within. When I look at the card, I see a woman, calm and composed, her hands resting on the jaws of a lion. There’s no force, no tension—just trust and connection. This image reminds us that real strength isn’t about control or force; it’s about softness, grace, and the quiet courage to be who we are.

In our world, we often hear that strength means being tough, pushing through, or always being productive. But the feminine archetype of strength is different. It asks us to soften, to lean into trust, and to understand that power can be found in stillness, in our ability to receive, and in our capacity to surrender. Feminine strength knows when to act and when to allow, when to stand firm and when to let go. It’s an intuitive, flowing energy that honors the natural rhythms of life.

So many women find themselves falling into the trap of constantly doing—always feeling like they need to be productive, to keep things under control, or to prove their worth through action. This is the influence of imbalanced masculine energy, which many of us carry. It’s not “bad,” but when we rely on it too much, we lose touch with our softer, more intuitive side—the feminine essence that helps us rest, receive, and simply be.

The Strength session in the Goddess Series dives into this archetype in so much depth to guide you on the first step towards understanding and healing your divine feminine energy.

If you’ve been feeling out of balance or disconnected from your feminine side, know that you’re not alone. It’s so easy to get swept up in the demands of life. But you can find your way back. Below, I’ve included some journaling prompts that might help you reconnect with your feminine energy and heal any toxic masculine traits that may have taken hold.

Journal Prompts from this Goddess

  • Do I see strength as something tied to control, productivity, or pushing forward? How can I start to redefine strength as softness, patience, and grace?

  • Think about the areas where you feel the need to control everything. What would happen if I surrendered and allowed life to flow more naturally?

  • Surrender doesn’t mean giving up—it means trusting. How can I see surrender as an act of strength rather than weakness?

And finally…

Write down small shifts I can make to create more balance—perhaps setting boundaries around work, listening more deeply to my intuition, or making space for stillness.

These journal prompts are a beautiful way to begin to explore your connection to feminine energy. if you haven’t already watched the first session in the Goddess Series, you can find this class in the Soul Shala studio here

I cant wait to continue on this journey of the Goddess with you,

So much love, light & healing

Amara x


Exploring Feminine Archetypes with Goddess Hera


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